09.06 Grammar
To ask Whose ____ is this/that?
Use O le _fill in the noun__ a ai?
Use O le _fill in the noun__ o ai?
Use a ai if the object is alienable and use o ai if the object is inalienable (family, body parts)
Then use the appropriate location word for this/that/those/these (lea, lena, lela, ia, na, la)
Here are a couple of examples:
O le mama a ai lea?
Whose ring is this?
O le uso o ai lela?
Whose sister/brother is that?
To respond to this question, use O le _fill in the noun__ a _fill in the owner__. For something alienable.
To respond to this question, use O le _fill in the noun__ o _fill in the owner__. For something inalienable.
The owner can be any of the following: name of person, a’u, oe, ia, laua,
latou, maua, matou, tatou, taua, oulua, outou.
It is my brother
O le uso o a’u
It is her pencil
O le penitala a ia
You can also respond by using the possesive words learned in lessons
2,3 and 4 (lo’u, lou, lona, o’u, ou, ona, la’u, lau, lana, a’u, au, ana)
To answer say [O] followed by the appropriate possesive word followed by the object or subject
It is my brother
O lo’u uso
instead of
O le uso o a’u
It is her pencil
O lana penitala.
instead of
O le penitala a ia.