11.06 Grammar
In this lesson we are showing three things.
1. how to ask someone if they want to do something
2. How to say that someone wants to do something
3. How to say that someone doesn’t want to do something.
1. To ask if someone wants to do something use “E fia” followed by the action word followed by the word for the person or persons you are referring to (oe, outou, maua, a’u, Aaron, Lydia, etc.)
Remember to use the plural form of the action word when referring to more than one person. Anyone besides oe, a’u, ia or a person’s name needs the plural form of the action word)
If you say Aaron and Lydia then you need a plural action word.
Ex: E fia feinu Aaron ma Lydia.
Aaron and Lydia want to drink.
Some action words have only one form for both singular and plural situations.
Ex: malolo — rest
E fia malolo lona uso?
Does her sister want to rest?
E fia malolo ona uso?
Do her sisters want to rest?
2. Use the same sentence structure to make a statement rather than ask a question. All that changes is the sound of your voice. Listen to the audio to hear the difference between statements and questions.
3. To negate the statement or question (and say “don’t want instead of “want”) you need to add “le” before the word “fia” So you say “E le fia”